Toggle Health Problems and D

Kids play outdoors 12 minutes a day, outdoor play improves of health of child and later as adult– July 2019

Kids Who Spend More Time Outside Are Happier As Adults, Study Says

  • “The Seattle Children’s Research Institute found that children only engage in about 12 minutes of active outdoor play each day.”
  • “Researchers at the Aarhus University in Denmark discovered that kids who spend more time playing outside during their childhood are less likely to develop psychiatric disorders as adults.”
  • “Previous research performed by the University of East Anglia found that spending time in green spaces outdoors helps reduce stress and the risk of premature death, high blood pressure and even type II diabetes.”

See also VitaminDWiki

Items in both categories Infant-Child and Noontime Sun are listed here:

Noontime sun and D category starts with

Noontime sun and D has 330 items

see also
No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough
Vitamin D Myths - SUN
Optimize vitamin D from the sun
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D
Overview UV and vitamin D
50 ng of Vitamin D - 100 hours of noon sunbathing OR 3 dollars of Vit D
3.3 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if wear long-sleeves – Oct 2022
Sun and UV
Avoiding the sun may be as bad as smoking - many studies
Vitamin D from the sun without the heat (silver-coated plexiglass)
Opinion: sun better than UV better than vitamin D
Fewer cognitive problems if more sun or Vitamin D
Which Is Worse - Avoiding Sunlight or Vitamin D Deficiency – April 2019
Have We Gotten Sunscreen Totally Wrong - Jan 2019
People who get little noon-day sun must supplement with Vitamin D – systematic review June 2017
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
Does Less Sun mean More Disease 5 minute video
340,000 US deaths annually due to insufficient sun (some due to low vitamin D) – July 2020
Health benefit of Sunlight is more than Vitamin D in the blood - many studies
5 Amazing Properties of Sunlight You've Never Heard About
Vitamin D and Sun conference – Germany June 2017

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday July 13, 2019 12:23:40 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)